44 2033180199

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Association between psychomotrist regression syndrome and multimorbility syndrome in older than 65 years old

  • Julia Monzerrath Carranza Torres, Adrian Torres Fernandez, Enrique Villarreal Rios

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Implementation and result of the takizawa method to the outpatient rehabilitation facility and evaluation of the brain activity by fNIRS

  • Takizawa Taki Shigeo, Rika Wada, Toshihiro Tachibana, Toshiyuki Tanaka, Yoshiyasu Takefuji


Shoulder dislocation in athletes: overview and update on treatment

  • Mariano Lopez-Franco, David Blanco-Diaz, Maria Aranzazu Murciano-Anton

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Voiding trial methods used after prolapse or incontinence surgery

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Vitamin-D supplementation among children with epilepsy

  • Stavroula Karabagia, Panagiotis Lepetsos

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Influence of posture-cueing compression garment on overhead throwing kinematics

  • Sarah S. Gascon, Jessica K. Washington, Gabrielle G. Gilmer, Gretchen D. Oliver
Peer-Review-Publikation für Verbände, Gesellschaften und Universitäten pulsus-health-tech