44 2033180199

Ultrasound diagnosis of ovarian ectopic pregnancy after in vitro fertilization with salpingectomy and literature review

M Angela Pascual, Lourdes Hereter, Betlem Graupera, Francisco Tresserra, Cristina Pedrero, Buenaventura Coroleu, Pedro N Barri

Among ectopic pregnancies, ovarian ones are extremely rare and much less frequent with previous history of salpingectomy. Ultrasonographic diagnosis is feasible although differential diagnosis from the corpus luteum is difficult. The diagnosis includes medical history, physical examination, transvaginal ultrasonography with color and/or power Doppler and serum quantitative β-hCG levels. Monitoring of β-hCG levels and the accuracy of ultrasound diagnosis allowed conservative therapeutic strategy and proper postoperative course. This paper reports one case of right OEP with ipsilateral salpingectomy, and reviews the current concepts and the options for managing these rare types of ectopic pregnancies so to preserve the woman’s potential fertility.

Peer-Review-Publikation für Verbände, Gesellschaften und Universitäten pulsus-health-tech