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Utilizing Murray Bowens Family System Theory Conceptualize only Children

Yvanna Pogue

Fertility in several countries point increases in the proportions of one child families (Day, 1991).In comparison to non-only born children, only children display higher intelligence and achievement outcomes (Falbo & Polit, 1986). Roberts and Blanton (2001) suggested that only children are offered initiating opportunities to engage in adult conversation and develop close ties with parents and other adults. The purpose of this study is to explore Murray Bowen’s family systems theory that family and environmental dynamics are related to the personality development of only children. Bowen’s Family Systems Theory has been critiqued for its limitation of empirical evidence to support the theory (Miller et. al., 2004). However, the literature seems to back his idea that familial and environmental factors contribute to personality (Miller et. al., 2004). This provides implications for conceptualizing only children when considering the individual, his or her nuclear family, extended family, ethnicity and any additional environments.

Peer-Review-Publikation für Verbände, Gesellschaften und Universitäten pulsus-health-tech