44 2033180199

Stress and addiction

Sabrina Gibson, Chrysta Ellis

The great frequency of drug usage and addiction, as well as the cost to society, are undeniable. However, its classification as a brain disease is debatable, and the present treatments are insufficient. Stress and drug addiction research could help to bridge the gap and produce more effective therapies. Drug addiction has been regarded as a chronic and relapsing brain disorder characterised by obsessive drug seeking and taking for the past two decades. Addiction, according to another viewpoint, is generated and sustained by psychosocial circumstances and learning processes that transform them into addiction, rather than being a brain illness. The question of whether the brain or the context is the most significant level of analysis for understanding and approaching addiction is still debated today. In any case, the frequency and burden of drug abuse and addiction on society are accepted, regardless of how drug addiction is defined. Only harmful alcohol usage results in more than 3 million deaths each year, or 6 deaths every minute. (According to the World Health Organization, 2018).

Peer-Review-Publikation für Verbände, Gesellschaften und Universitäten pulsus-health-tech